Garden Store
Project:- Garden Store to front of a property in Baring Road, Cowes IOW
Description:- Due to the size of rear garden, the lack of access and the presence of specimen trees at the back of the house, the existing vegetable garden was sited alongside Baring Road and in front of the building line. The garden had an assortment of old tool and potting sheds, three in all. One shed had collapsed and the other two were in poor condition.
My client wanted to improve the front garden by making it into a formal vegetable and flower garden with regulated beds in keeping with the period of the house. They wished to take down the two remaining sheds and replace it with one garden store at the other end of the plot. The new store will supply the necessary equipment and tool storage for a large garden and a potting facility for an active flower and kitchen garden. It was important to the owners that the building should be of sufficient quality to be in keeping with the house and the remainder of the garden and should be of an appropriate traditional design and adequately screened
Service Provided:- Survey, Sketch Plans, Local Authority Planning approval and construction drawings.