Project: – Housing Development on site of Former Garage and land to Rear, Binstead Hill, Binstead, Ryde
Phase 1:-
Comprised demolition of existing workshops and construction of a Mews type development consisting of 7No new 3 storey 4 bed dwellings. This development involved dealing with contaminated land, construction of new access road consisting of permeable paving and extensive new retaining walls to reinstate existing boundaries.
Phase 2:-
The site to the rear known locally as “Pintiles” was the acquired by a Local Developer in 2008. Planning permission already existed for the construction of 1No detached split level bungalow. Plans were drawn up for the remainder of the site and permission was subsequently granted for an additional 4No executive style detached properties and renovation of the existing house to form an exclusive gated type development.
Phase 3:-
The final phase of this development involved developing the former Volvo Garage fronting Binstead Hill and seeking permission for 10No new dwellings.
Service Provided:-
Sketch Plans and obtaining Local Authority Planning approval & NHBC approval for phase 2 & 3 of the development.